Monday, 23 September 2013


Tentang Pengguna Facebook

DO you KNOW? "FaCEbOOk"

Users created content and valuet hrough five main uses:
(1) posting photographs,
(2)playing games,
(4) applications and
(5)updating their status.
They involved others or became involved by others with nine uses:
 (1)viewing photographs,
(2)being tagged in photographs,
(3)tagging photographs
(4)discovering applications because their friends had added them,
(5) organisingandjoiningevents,
(6)receiving a friend request
(7)seeing what people had put as their status
(8) using advanced search to look for specific types of people and
(9)joining groups.
A. Vasalouetal./Int.J.Human-ComputerStudies68(2010)719–728